Upcoming Events

CECAM Flagship Workshop "Entropy of Soft Matter"
From Wednesday 27 August 2025 -  09:00
To Friday 29 August 2025 - 17:00

For details and the link to apply see the CECAM website : https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/entropy-of-soft-matter-systems-1394

This CECAM Flagship Workshop "Entropy of Soft Matter Systems" will be held in person at IST Austria.

If you are a student/postdoc and would like to be considered for a short (10 minute) talk rather than a 30 minute talk, please indicate that when you add an abstract. Posters are also welcome.

There is no registration fee. The lunches / refreshments and one dinner (Thursday 28th August) will be included, but participants are expected to arrange their own travel and hotel. If you are UK based and the travel costs would be a problem, you can contact Shivani Harshe (s.harshe@sheffield.ac.uk) as some travel support may be available.

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