Save the date! More details coming soon.
The collaborative computational projects for biomolecular and condensed matter simulation, CCPBioSim and CCP5, are holding a sixth international conference on the theme of multiscale modelling in Manchester, following on from previous events held in Manchester in 2014, 2016 and 2018, online in 2021 and hybrid in 2023.
The three-day event will bring together leading researchers from biological and materials chemistry to discuss topics of common interest across the spectrum of electronic structure, atomistic and mesoscopic scales and to address the current and future challenges posed by multiscale modelling.
Jochen Blumberger, UCL
Lorna Dougan, University of Leeds
Benedetta Mennucci, University of Pisa
Matthias Schmidt, University of Bayreuth
Katarzyna Swiderek, Universitat Jaume I
Alessandro Troisi, University of Liverpool
Rebecca Wade, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Abstract submissions are welcome for oral or poster presentations. The contributed talks are 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. There will be the opportunity for poster presenters to give flash talks (max 2 minutes, 1 slide) to introduce their posters before the poster session. Please use the abstract template (click here), save it in Word format and use Surname_Given-name.docx for the file name. The abstract can then be uploaded as part of the registration process.
to be confirmed
Registration includes the talks, poster sessions, lunch and coffee breaks on all three days, and the conference dinner. Travel and accommodation are not included.
Fees - Regular £200
Students £150
Online (talks only) £10
Deadlines - to be considered for a talk or poster: 3 February 2025 (notification of acceptance by 28 February 2025)
to attend without presenting: 1 March 2025
Registration opens autumn 2024.
Sarah Fegan, STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Stephen Cox, Durham University
Marc van der Kamp, University of Bristol