Past Events

CCPBioSim Software Partnerships
Tuesday 28 February 2023, 09:00 - 16:00

Dear members of the CCPBioSim community,

We would like to invite proposals for software partnerships. The chosen projects will each receive software development support from the CCPBioSim CoSeC staff during the period from June 2023 to May 2024. Unsuccessful proposals may be resubmitted to future calls addressing any feedback from the referees.

Scope of Projects:

The proposed project should be a scientific tool that is useful to the biomolecular simulation community, for example analysing simulations. It can be either taking work from within a group and making it into a package that can be widely distributed or adding functionality to an existing software package. We expect the project to be clearly defined and focused and include plans for documentation and training of users.

Application Procedure:

Please email your proposal form to James Gebbie-Rayet ( and Sarah Fegan (, and share any code already existing (for example you could include the link to your GitHub or other repository). There are two stages – technical review and scientific review.

Stage 1: The proposal must be submitted to the CoSeC project team for the technical review. At this stage we will consider if the project plan is achievable and if the staff with the necessary skills are available. We will also estimate the amount of time needed for the project. This process is likely to include discussions with the project proposer and refinements of any workplans.

Stage2: Projects that pass the technical review will be presented to the CCPBioSim Management Group. They will consider the scientific merit of the projects and their potential impact for the biomolecular simulation community and select the projects for the June 2023 to May 2024 period.


1. Institution – The primary proposer must be from a university or non-profit institution. Collaborations with other institutions or industrial partners are welcome.

2. Residence – We are happy to participate in international collaborations. However, when considering projects of equal scientific merit, preference will be given to UK resident researchers.

3. Career stage – People at any stage in their career can submit a proposal. If you are a student or on a short term contract particular attention will be paid to the project sustainability. Please think about what will happen to the project when you come to the end of your contract or move on to a new job.

If a member of the project team is taking leave for the birth of a baby, adoption, other caring/health needs, or bereavement, we will work with them to the best of our ability to support the leave and their return to work.

Key Dates:

November 2022 – Call opens

28 February 2023 [deadline extended] – Deadline for submitting documents for technical review

By 30 April 2023 – Applicants will have been informed of the decision

If you want to discuss your project before submitting a proposal, please contact Sarah Harris (CCPBioSim chair,, James Gebbie-Rayet (CoSeC project lead for CCPBioSim,, or Sarah Fegan (Senior Computational Scientist for CCPBioSim,

Best wishes,

The CCPBioSim Management Group

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