Past Events

5th Manchester Multiscale Conference
From Monday 03 April 2023 -  12:00
To Wednesday 05 April 2023 - 14:00

The collaborative computational projects for biomolecular and condensed matter simulation, CCPBioSim and CCP5, are holding a fifth international conference on the theme of multiscale modelling in Manchester, following on from previous events held in Manchester in 2014, 2016 and 2018 and online in 2021.

The three-day event will bring together leading researchers from biological and materials chemistry to discuss topics of common interest across the spectrum of electronic structure, atomistic and mesoscopic scales and to address the current and future challenges posed by multiscale modelling.


Invited Speakers

Björn Baumeier, TU Eindhoven - Theoretical Spectroscopy of Complex Multiscale Materials with Embedded Green’s Function Methods

Paola Carbone, University of Manchester - Modelling the structure of the carbon/electrolyte interface using QM/MD simulations and machine learning

Cecilia Clementi, FU Berlin

Rosana Collepardo, University of Cambridge

Halim Kusumaatmaja, Durham University - Wetting of Biomolecular Condensates in Biological Cells

Laura Orellana, Karolinska Institute - Connecting biological scales – from disease mutations to protein mechanisms through coarse-grained and atomistic simulations

Modesto Orozco, IRB Barcelona - Advances and challenges in the simulation of DNA

Matteo Salvalaglio, University College London - Nucleation of Biomolecular Condensates from Simulations and Experiments in Finite-Size Volumes



The programme can be found here.

The book of abstracts is here.


Contributed Oral and Poster Presentations

Abstract submissions are welcome for oral or poster presentations. The contributed talks are 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. There will be the opportunity for poster presenters to give flash talks (1-2 minutes, 1 slide) to introduce their posters before the poster session. Please use the abstract template (click here), save it in Word format and include your surname in the filename. The abstract can then be uploaded as part of the registration process.



The conference will be held at the Hotel Brooklyn - 59 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3HP, UK. There are lifts and accessible toilets.

The conference dinner will be on Tuesday 4 April 2023, at the Manchester Conference Centre & The Pendulum Hotel - Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB, UK.



Some support is available for early career researchers (students and post-docs) to cover travel expenses and for carers (for example paying for extra childcare). This is limited to those presenting either a talk or a poster. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for a bursary on the registration form and we will be in touch with more information.



Registration includes the talks, poster sessions, lunch and coffee breaks on all three days, and the conference dinner. Travel and accommodation are not included.

Fees - Regular £200 (early bird), £220 (from 15 January 2023)

          Students £150

          Online (talks only) £10

Deadlines - to be considered for a talk or poster: 1 February 2023 (notification of acceptance by 1 March 2023)

                    to attend without presenting: 1 March 2023 (in person) or 22 March 2023 (online only)

Click here to register!



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Poster Prize Sponsors

RSC Digital Discovery  RSC Chemical Biology       RSC PCCP


Organising Committee

Sarah Fegan, STFC Daresbury Laboratory (email:

Agnieszka Bronowska, Newcastle University

Nicodemo Di Pasquale, Brunel University

Adrian Mulholland, University of Bristol



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